Guidelines For Students For Writing Quality Research Paper By Eric Mosby At Ezine Articles

Guidelines For Students For Writing Quality Research Paper By Eric Mosby At Ezine Articles

Motivation And Inspiration

Many students are in the hassle to write their research papers at the ending of their educational year as their major assignment. A problem for the students is not having proper guidelines for writing their research paper which can be approved by their teachers and also appealing for their readers. There are some guidelines are provided to the students for making their good research paper for getting good grade.
Format of a research paper:
As per an area and nature of study the research paper are varied from each other. The common formatting has the following five processes or sections.
An introduction is the initial point of the research which should be interesting and attractive so that the reader will read beyond the paper. This part can make or break your grade. It tells the theme of your topic to your readers it should completely attract the reader’s mind. As there is no any linked is available between the reader’s mind and the middle part of your research paper. That is why an introduction has significant role to motivate the reader to go beyond the details. Write down your theme of your research where you are focusing. Start your introduction with the literature review of the current published research and mention that what you are adding in that topic by your research. You must focus on the differences between previous research and your research paper.
Background of research paper will assist the reader to know the previous work on the topic up till now. In background writer can give the references of the previous published research and also define the terms that are being used in his research paper. Background gives the better understanding of the topic to the readers.
Mention an appropriate methodology for the research paper. Redefine the goals of your research and hypothesis statement which is going to be tested. Mention the sample size which will be tested and also analyzing plan. It includes the empirical testing of the collected data and also measuring the soundness and consistency of the test. Research methodology discusses that how the writer assumes the complete research process.
The subsequent part in the process is the outcomes of the tested hypothesis via selected method. The result will be revealed after checking the reliability and validity.
Conclusions and Recommendations
The last but not least step is conclusion and recommendations. In this part writer has to sum up the consequences that what he has found through his research paper. He has to discuss and explain the results which he has found in his research paper and also let the reader know about his opinions regarding the complete research. Then he requires to recommends on the basis of the results.
Thus above are some major points which may facilitate the students during the writing of their quality research paper. This is assurance to the students that if they follow this procedure they will save their salves to avoid any hassle which is the cause of loosing their confidence and also grades.


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